“What do we want?” “Social Justice!” “When do we want it?” “Now!”

Welcome to the world of the U.S. Social Forum, a powder keg of beliefs, community struggles and the fight for social justice on a national and global level. The forum opened Tuesday with a march down Woodward Avenue, a 3 mile trek of greetings and contagious empowerment.

As a first time march-e, the walk through downtown Detroit was overwhelming and exciting. Not only were the streets fueled with peaceful protest examining topics from war to the environment, but also a jubilation of song and dance of the coming together of many groups.

Drummers marched and played songs, while forum-goers and activists danced to the beat. Floats resembling everything from a field of dancing daisies demanding clean air to an ambling polar bear and planet earth were used to remind us of climate change, and also to broadcast a desire to build a better world community to live in.

The heat rising from the surface of the ground, the loud music and the shrill of sirens and movement took on a captivating appeal as 10,000 exuberant individuals entered Cobo Hall united by one cause: Social Justice for all.

Inside people talked, rapped and danced. Creative expression used for a better world.